
PasarHub is an online grocery focusing on fresh food from the local market. PasarHub expects to catch the interest of the customer base with its freshness and good quality of products. The company plans to build a strong market position across Malaysia.

<em>PasarHub merupakan satu platform online e-dagang menumpukan barangan segar daripada pasar tempatan. PasarHub mementingkan kehendak pelanggan dengan menyediakan produk yang segar dan berkualiti. Syarikat ini meraancang untuk membina posisi pasaran yang kuat di Malaysia</em>

The shipping charge varies depending on how much total weight you order and where you would like to have them delivered. The best way to see how much shipping will cost is to add the desired products to your cart and begin the checkout process. The total shipping charges will be calculated and shown before you enter any payment information.

Basically, shipping charge based on this calculation :
<li>Items weight below 10KG : RM1 per KM. Minimum charge – RM5.</li>
<li>Items weight above 10KG : RM1.30 per KM. Minimum charge – RM8.</li>

<em>Cas penghantaran bergantung kepada berat jumlah barang dan lokasi dimana barangan anda dihantar. Cara terbaik untuk melihat cas pengahnataran dengan tepat adalah dengan menambah barang ke dalam cart dan pergi ke proses checkout. Cas penghantaran akan dipaparkan sebelum anda memasukkan maklumat pembayaran.</em>

<em>Seringkasnya, cas pengahantaran berdasarkan kiraan ini ;</em>
<li><em>Berat barang kurang daripada 10KG :  RM1 per KM. Cas minima – RM5.</em></li>
<li><em>Berat barang melebihi daripada 10KG : RM1.30 per KM. Cas minima – RM8.</em></li>

You can check at this link – https://pasarhub.my/coverage/

Boleh semak di link ini – https://pasarhub.my/coverage/

Your delivery depends on the schedule that you choose before checkout. We offer 3 slots per day :
Our slot is limited. If all the slots are full, you can select diferrent date. You also can book slot in advance up to 30days.


<em>Penghantaran bergantung pada jadual yang anda pilih sebelum checkout. Kami menawarkan 3 slot setiap hari :</em>

For now, We accept online banking only.


<em>Buat masa sekarang, kami hanya terima pembankan atas talian sahaja.</em>

<li>Start shopping by browsing through our catalog and clicking on the products that you desire.</li>
<li>You can see the product details and available options on the product page. You can also change the quantity of your order from cart page.</li>
<li>On your shopping cart page, you can also view the estimated shipping price, or to compute the final shipping price, please login. Delivery Information Page – Fill up the form (check the shipping address). After that, click on the “Continue to shipping method” button.</li>
<li>Finally, You will then reach the payment information page. After confirming that everything is correct, click on “Confirm Order”. Voila, you are all set! We will begin processing your order.</li>
<li>After payment has been successfully processed, an order confirmation email will be sent to the email listed at the time of checkout. Your order will also be sent to our team for action.</li>

<li><em>Mulakan dengan mencari barangan di katalog PasarGo dan tekan di produk yang anda mahukan.</em></li>
<li><em>Anda boleh lihat maklumat produk dan pilihan yang ada. Anda juga boleh tetapkan kuantiti produk tersebut.</em></li>
<li><em>Di halaman shopping cart, anda boleh lihat anggaran cas penghantaran atau mahukan anggaran sebenar, bolehlah login terlebih dahulu. Isikan maklumat lengkap seperti penerima dan alamat.</em></li>
<li><em>Selepas anda sahkan maklumat tersebut, anda boleh tekan “Confirm Order”. Kami akan proseskan order anda.</em></li>
<li><em>Selepas pembayaran anda berjaya diproses, order pengesahan akan dihantar ke email anda. Order anda akan dihantar kepada pasukan kami untuk bertindak.</em></li>

Our goal is to provide you with the best products at the best services. However, sometimes things can happen outside of our control and can impact you as our customer. Someday, stocks may unavailable without concern. If this happens, we are truly sorry.

But don’t worry, anything happened, we will be 100% responsible. We will refund any items is unavailable and items that you not satisfied. But you need to give us information, order details and photos for investigation.


<em>Matlamat kami adalah untuk menyediakan produk dan perkhidmatan yang terbaik. Adakalanya ada perkara yang terjadi di luar kawalan kami dan akan memberi kesan terhadap anda. kadang-kadang stok tiada tanpa diketahui awal. Sekiranya ini berlaku, kami minta maaf.</em>

<em>Namun jangan risau, apa-apa terjadi kami akan 100% bertanggungjawab. Kami akan kembalikan wang anda sekiranya barang tiada dan tidak memuaskan. Tetapi anda perlu berikan informasi, maklumat order, dan gambar untuk siasatan.</em>

Please bear in mind that product photos may look different from actual item in terms of color due to the lighting during photo shooting or the monitor’s display.


<em>Diingatkan gambar produk mungkin lain daripada sebenar atas faktor warna dan pencahayaan serta paparan monitor. </em>

Please note that any request received after after payment accurred will no longer be accepted because we process orders immediately. Changes to orders cannot be made once processed.


<em>Perlu diingatkan mana-mana permintaan pembatalan  selepas pembayaran berlaku tidak diterima oleh kerana kami melakukan proses secara terus. Perubahan order tidak boleh dibuat selepas order sudah diproses.</em>

We strive to respond to our customers within 12 hours or maximum of 24 hour <strong>and sooner, if possible! </strong>


<em>Kami cuba memberi respon kepada pelanggan kami diantara 12 jam atau maksima 24 jam dan secepat yang mungkin, sekiranya mampu.</em>

You can either email us at <a href=”mailto:info@pasarhub.my”>info@pasarhub.my</a> or use Facebook chat. You also can contact us by using whatsapp. Please do not hesitate to contact us.


Anda boleh menghantar email ke <a href=”mailto:info@pasarhub.my”>info@pasarhub.my</a>  atau menggunakan Facebook Chat. Anda juga boleh hubungi kami menggunakan Whatsapp.

Still question? Leave it here Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked (*)

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